Align to the reference genome

The helper script can be used to align a collection of genomic sequences to the reference assembly of SARS-CoV-2 and obtain a list of polymorphic positions. The script automates all the required steps. currently allows 3 different distinct methods to provide input files/sequences.

Inputs, alternatives:

  1. Through a multifasta file: option –multi;
  2. Through a list of file names: option –filelist;
  3. By specifying a “suffix” that is common to all the names of the files that should be analyses: option –suffix;

All input files MUST be in the same folder from which the program is executed. A temporary directory will be created to store all the intermediate files and the alingment results for every file. The name of this temporary directory can be specified using the –tmpdir option. Please notice that this temporary directory, normally, will be deleted after the execution of The –clean option, can be used to alter this behavior. If set to F=FALSE the temporary directory will not be deleted.

Please check the section Prerequisites and usage to obtain the reference genome sequence file. This file also needs to be in the same folder from which the program is executed (and yes the same where you have all the files). If the reference genome file is missing, will try to download it from Genbank. Although this is supposed to work only for unix and unix alike systems (the wget command is required)

Finally the name of the output file can be specified by using the –out option. This defaults to ALIGN_out.tsv.

Once you have everything in place, to check if everything works you can simply run:


The help message, should be self-explanatory. You can try all the 3 different commands under the EXAMPLE section to test . Example input files are also provided in the main repository of CorGAT

perl --multi <apollo.fa>`  will align all the genomes contained in the multifasta file named apollo.fa
perl --suffix fasta` will use all the files with the *.fasta suffix in the current folder and finally
perl --filelist lfile` will align the files specified in lfile. One file per line. Again, all files need to be in the current folder

For every genome you will obtain a file with the .snps extension, reporting all the polymorphism identified by nucmer. These files will be stored in the temporary directory, as specified by the –tmpdir option (default align.tmp). If the –clean option is set to T (TRUE) however, this directory will be removed after the execution of the program.

The final output consists in a simple tabular file (default name ALIGN_out.tsv) that lists genetic variants on the rows, and reports their presence (1) or absence (0) in the different genomes included in your analysis in the columns. This file provides the input for